In [2]:
import sqlite3
import pandas as pd
import csv as c
import seaborn
import matplotlib.pyplot as pp
/home/biom/anaconda3/lib/python3.5/site-packages/matplotlib/ UserWarning: axes.color_cycle is deprecated and replaced with axes.prop_cycle; please use the latter.
  warnings.warn(self.msg_depr % (key, alt_key))
In [3]:
conn = sqlite3.connect('testing.db')
c = conn.cursor()

data = pd.read_sql('select * from data',conn)

No data shown due to privacy

14178549 rows × 37 columns

In [3]:
import csv, sqlite3

#A script to uniform mixed countries

con = sqlite3.connect("testing.db")
cur = con.cursor()
cur.execute('UPDATE data SET country = "france" WHERE country = "fra" or country = "france                                            " or country = "france, metropolitan" or country = "fr" or country = "fr     " or country = "france "')
#United States
cur.execute('UPDATE data SET country = "united states" WHERE country = "u.s.a." or country = "us" or country = "us     " or country = "usa" or country ="us minor outlying islands" or country = "us minor outlying i" or country = "united states minor outlying islands" or country = "united states minor outlying isl" or country = "united states                                     "or country = "u.s. virgin islands"')
cur.execute('UPDATE data SET country = "canada" WHERE country = "can" or country = " canada" or country = "canada " or country = "ca" or country = "canada                                            "')
#United Kingdom
cur.execute('UPDATE data SET country = "united kingdom" WHERE country = "gb" or country = "uk" or country = "gbr" or country ="united kingdom                                    "or country = "gb     "')
cur.execute('UPDATE data SET country = "germany" WHERE country = "de" or country = "ger" or country = "de     "')
cur.execute('UPDATE data SET country = "italy" WHERE country = "it" or country = "italy                                             " or country = "lt     "  or country = "it     " or country = "ita" or country = "italy  "')
cur.execute('UPDATE data SET country = "sweden" WHERE country = "se" or country = "se     " or country = "sweden " or country = "se     "')
cur.execute('UPDATE data SET country = "australia" WHERE country = "au" or country = "aus" or country = "australia" or country = "australia                                         "')
cur.execute('UPDATE data SET country = "finland" WHERE country = "fi" or country = "fi     "or country = "fi     "')
cur.execute('UPDATE data SET country = "netherlands" WHERE country = "nl" or country = "netherlands   " or country = "nl     " or country = "netherlands antilles"')
cur.execute('UPDATE data SET country = "spain" WHERE country = "es" or country = "es     "')
cur.execute('UPDATE data SET country = "denmark" WHERE country = "dk" or country = "dk     "')
cur.execute('UPDATE data SET country = "columbia" WHERE country = "col" or country = "co"')
cur.execute('UPDATE data SET country = "norway" WHERE country = "no" or country = "no     " or country = "norway "')
cur.execute('UPDATE data SET country = "russia" WHERE country = "russian federation" or country = "ru     " or country = "ussr" or country = "ru"')
cur.execute('UPDATE data SET country = "austria" WHERE country = "at" or country = "at     "')
#New Zealand
cur.execute('UPDATE data SET country = "new zealand" WHERE country = "nz"')
cur.execute('UPDATE data SET country = "hungary" WHERE country = "hu" or country ="hu     "')
cur.execute('UPDATE data SET country = "portugal" WHERE country = "pt" or country = "pt     "')
cur.execute('UPDATE data SET country = "romainia" WHERE country = "ro" or country = "ro     "')
cur.execute('UPDATE data SET country = "poland" WHERE country = "pl" or country = "pl     "')
cur.execute('UPDATE data SET country = "brazil" WHERE country = "br"')
cur.execute('UPDATE data SET country = "ireland" WHERE country = "ie     " or country = "ie"')
cur.execute('UPDATE data SET country = "argentina" WHERE country = "ar     "')
cur.execute('UPDATE data SET country = "turkey" WHERE country = "tr" or country = "tu"')
cur.execute('UPDATE data SET country = "bulgaria" WHERE country = "bg"')
cur.execute('UPDATE data SET country = "greece" WHERE country = "gr" or country = "gr     " or country = "greece "')
cur.execute('UPDATE data SET country = "switzerland" WHERE country = "ch" or country = "ch     "')
cur.execute('UPDATE data SET country = "japan" WHERE country = "jp" or country = "japan  "')
cur.execute('UPDATE data SET country = "estonia" WHERE country = "ee" or country = "ee     "')
cur.execute('UPDATE data SET country = "latvia" WHERE country = "lv" or country = "lv     "')
cur.execute('UPDATE data SET country = "mexico" WHERE country = "mx"')
cur.execute('UPDATE data SET country = "slovakia" WHERE country = "sk     " or country = "sk"')
cur.execute('UPDATE data SET country = "vietnam" WHERE country = "viet nam"')
cur.execute('UPDATE data SET country = "lithuania" WHERE country = "lt"')
cur.execute('UPDATE data SET country = "slovenia" WHERE country = "si     " or country = "si"')
cur.execute('UPDATE data SET country = "korea" WHERE country = "korea (south)" or country = "korea, south" or country = "south korea"')
#South Africa
cur.execute('UPDATE data SET country = "south africa" WHERE country = "za"')
cur.execute('UPDATE data SET country = "india" WHERE country = "in"')
cur.execute('UPDATE data SET country = "croatia" WHERE country = "hr"')
cur.execute('UPDATE data SET country = "chile" WHERE country = "cl"')

In [4]:
crazy = data.groupby('country').size().nlargest(20)
united states     2174623
united kingdom    1548974
france            1375678
turkey            1091715
germany            785181
canada             777960
australia          419767
unknown            383871
italy              372182
sweden             302669
il                 243593
netherlands        224752
null               219184
russia             158762
finland            158119
denmark             93068
spain               92982
poland              76409
greece              74358
dtype: int64
In [6]:
import sqlite3
import as sql
